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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Haylee's Sunshine Party

On June 6th, we had Haylee's first birthday party. It was the "you are my sunshine" theme and I was so pleased with how things turned out! I'm using the colors and decor for Haylee's room when we build, too!! 
There were more people than usual for one of our kids birthdays, but it was really important for us to celebrate her life with our closest friends and family! 
It was pretty simple. There were some snacks and lemonade, the customary picture to be signed, cake and presents. To my surprise, Haylee got messy with her cupcake and I let her enjoy it as much as she wanted! Mommy and daddy opened gifts for her and she got lots of cute stuff! I can't wait to tell her stories and show her pictures of her first birthday party! Lots of people came by to show their love and support and we are so thankful! It was a fun day for us!

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