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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Haylee Grace Turns ONE!!!

On June 2nd, my baby girl turned a year old! It was a day I had been dreading (yet equally looking forward to) since the moment she was born! Unless a miracle occurs, Miss Haylee is our last baby and there have been many emotions that have accompanied that decision. My heart will mourn this transition time for a while, I'm sure. I've loved each moment of the pregnancy/baby phase! The Lord has given me a sweet gift though! Since Haylee is delayed on some milestones, we spend much more time being able to cuddle and love on her as a "baby" instead of chasing around an impending toddler! He knows just what my heart needs and I'm grateful! :) Here are some fun facts about our baby girl now:

-weighs 22lbs (85th%) and 90th% on height. She continues to be our "squishy" and mama loves those rolls!
-wears some 12 month clothes but mostly 18 month
-eats table or graduate foods. You are a great eater! One of your favorite things right now is avocado! Has 6 teeth! 
-nurses in the morning and at night. Drinks whole milk from a sippy during the day or apple/prune juice with miralax to help constipation. She's the baby I've nursed the longest and I'm so proud!
-takes a morning and afternoon nap. Sleep at night has been disrupted with ear infections. Tubes are set for Friday and I'm praying that helps!
-therapy occurs once a week and she's made huge progress. Her core muscles are much stronger and she's figuring out movement. We now find you sitting up in your bed after nap ends! You also can figure out how to move around from one place to the next. Crawling should be soon!
-we do patch therapy for your weak eye and you are doing great. Fingers crossed...we may not need surgery!

Haylee...you are such a sweet girl! Words can't express how much I love you! Happy birthday, baby girl!

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