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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

We've spent lots of time during this past year, singing this song to sweet Haylee Grace. It's so fitting and I knew I wanted to incorporate it into a first birthday theme too! As always, my cousin came through for me and put together the outfit I requested. She also made shirts for the big kids. One of pastor's daughters is a professional photographer and she's going to do pics for us in a few weeks. But the other day, we played around a little ourselves and baby sister looked so cute! Bright and sunny!! Silly girl, she's known for closing her eyes/scrunching up her face and clinching her fist, when she gets tickled. It's just HER! Love you, my sweet girl. I can't believe you are 11 months old now! As much as I would love to have you be a baby forever, I'm also anticipating your first birthday and taking time with family and friends to celebrate your precious little life!! It's going to be a big, special day and I can't wait!!

1 comment:

The Gentry's said...

Beautiful girl!! What a blessing she is!!