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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Today marks my 7th Mother's Day to celebrate and with every passing year, I seem to gain a new perspective on the day. While I love all the fun things my kids make and the way my family dotes on me, I spend much of the day thinking of the sweet women who are hurting today. 

While conceiving was never a problem for Jaime and I, there was a time in our marriage when sustaining those pregnancies was quite difficult. Miscarriage after miscarriage, with no leads to any real answer. My heart ached for another baby. Though my story ends with more children; I know there are still women today who are in a time of waiting. And my heart hurts for you.

There was also a time, very recently, where I watched my newborn baby almost die. For a rough 24 hours, I prayed that I wouldn't have to plan my daughter's funeral. I was terrified. I know that other moms have felt that pain in its entirety. And my heart hurts for you too.

I'm praying, that regardless of your situation, today brings a sense of joy...a little peace...and the understanding of how much you are loved. 

Today, I'm enjoying the blessings The Lord gave me & thanking Him for His greater plan!


The Gentry's said...

Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day sweet friend!

Amanda said...

You too, Amy! :)