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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dr. Smith

We set a record! I took kids to the pediatricians office twice in one week. Monday night, Maddie woke up screaming with ear pain. I was able to get her in first thing Tuesday morning. Sure enough...she had an ear infection and we got her on some antibiotics. She was able to head back to school on Wednesday! In the meantime, Brooklyn and Easton had a lot of coughing and runny noses. As soon as they started running a temp though, I took them too. The weather seems to trigger our allergies but then can progress from there. Often, with the little ones, it backs up into their ears as well so I wanted to get them checked before the weekend. I took them both on Friday, and as of right now there ears are clear. However, they do both have the croup which needs to just run its course. Praying their ears remain clear and this crazy weather levels out soon, too!

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