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Monday, March 17, 2014

26 weeks

I met with Dr. Harris last week and things are going well. The heart rate was around 156 and she's been moving a lot. I've only gained about 20lbs(which for me-carrying a girl-is super good)! However, 7 of those pounds were gained last month! Ha, I have NO idea what happened! I can still wear mostly small maternity clothes which is exciting to me and can wear my wedding ring still too. Though I'm sure, both of those things can still change in the time left! I go to the doctor again at 28 weeks for my glucose test and another sonogram. I'm excited to see her again! I'm definitely starting to feel achy and tired. I always carry so low. I'm trying to enjoy each moment of the time I have left because its my last pregnancy but am also very anxious to have her here!

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