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Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Year

The top picture is of Maddie at her dance recital last year. Followed by the picture I took just a few days ago!

Our Boy

This guy is going to be quite the athlete someday. He's big and tall, so the possibilities are endless!

Baa, Baa Black Sheep

It's official.....we've attended our first Kindergarten program as proud parents! The theme was Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes and Mrs. M's class did Baa Baa Black sheep. They all wore black shirts and wore ears that they had made at school. It was so cute and Maddie's class did great! I didn't get great photos because I spent a lot of time videoing, but here is a look at what we got to experience!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dance Pictures 2014

Tonight was Maddie's pictures for dance and I can't wait to see how they turned out! I took a few pictures at home and at the studio with her friends! Her costume is so pretty! The girl wearing it is even more pretty!

31 years and 27 weeks

Another birthday has come and gone! Yesterday, I turned 31 (gasp) and I enjoyed some good family time, eating hamburgers and buttermilk pie-which I requested! 

Today, I'm 27 weeks along and staring down the 3rd trimester. I'm trying to take it easy but that's hard. I'm achy and contracting, so I'm cautious, but lets face it-3 other kids keep me busy! I have another sonogram next week and I can't wait!

Brooklyn Pics

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't had an individual picture of Brooklyn made since she was one. Shame on me! So, this past Friday, my cousin and I went out with Brooklyn to take some pictures. She's just SO beautiful and I can't believe she's almost 3!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Another cool gift Maddie got for her birthday! We had fun making magnets for the fridge. Brought me back to my childhood!


On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Maddie brings home a book that she has to read to us. This week's title was Jim Wins; a baseball book, and she did great! Can't believe she's learning to read!

Captain America

Part of Maddie's birthday gift from Mel was a Captain America shirt. Madz has started to enjoy watching the Marvel Avengers' cartoons on Netflix and C. A. is one of her favorites. (And seriously....he's such a cutie in the real movies!) He's Mel's favorite too so she knew she wanted to get her a shirt. This past Thursday, I had the privilege of eating dinner with the both of them!

Nails and Make-up

Little Brook continues to love all things girlie! So this week, we played with nail polish and make-up. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

I don't care too much about St. Patrick's Day really but now that Maddie is in school, I wanted to make sure she wore green. Seriously, if someone pinches my kid....it won't be pretty! So I put them all in green because they are just so cute! Brooklyn even had a shirt that my cousin made for her saying "cutest clover in the patch"! Too bad we couldn't find plain shirts for her to make the other kids one too. :( Either way, they all looked precious this morning!

26 weeks

I met with Dr. Harris last week and things are going well. The heart rate was around 156 and she's been moving a lot. I've only gained about 20lbs(which for me-carrying a girl-is super good)! However, 7 of those pounds were gained last month! Ha, I have NO idea what happened! I can still wear mostly small maternity clothes which is exciting to me and can wear my wedding ring still too. Though I'm sure, both of those things can still change in the time left! I go to the doctor again at 28 weeks for my glucose test and another sonogram. I'm excited to see her again! I'm definitely starting to feel achy and tired. I always carry so low. I'm trying to enjoy each moment of the time I have left because its my last pregnancy but am also very anxious to have her here!

Haylee's bedding

I picked out fabric for the bedding this time and my mom sewed the skirt and bumper for me. I knew the colors and patterns I wanted and was pleased when I found something I liked at Hobby Lobby. It was easy and much cheaper than buying an already made bedding. Plus, it was a special project! Then, I found a lady to paint a door hanger for the hospital once she's born. It turned out great!

Spring Break

We stayed home for Spring Break but still had lots of fun! We: played with cousins, the girls created their own treasure map, spent time outside, celebrated Maddie's birthday, registered for Haylee at Babies-r-us, ate at Raising Canes and so on!