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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

For Memorial Day, we had my family over to our house. The menu consisted of BBQ pork sandwiches, potato salad, chips and desert! We spent time eating, playing card games and letting the little ones play in the water outside. It was a blast! Maddie wanted us to stick the sprinkler under the trampoline again. Once we did that, she was set for a while. Easton and Brooklyn enjoyed the only blow-up pool I had. It was TINY, but so are they-so it worked!
Poor Aaron was tired so he slept inside while my kids played!
I always enjoy holiday get-togethers! We are so blessed!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Watching Boz

While watching Boz tonight(next time your in Lifeway-you should pick up a copy!) , I caught all three kids lying in the floor staring at the tv. I thought it was so cute!


Maddie really likes Violet from The Incredibles movie. In the movie, Violet starts to wear a headband, so naturally-Maddie wanted to as well. I found some cute ones the other day at Target and picked them up for her. She wears them all the time now, even right after bath like in this picture. Her hair wasn't exactly fixed at this point but you get the idea! And, of course, anything Maddie does, Brooklyn does too!

Sink Bath

I've always enjoyed giving my babies a bath in the kitchen sink! Lucky for me, all my babies have enjoyed it too! Easton has taken several sink baths already and tonight was no different. After dinner, I quickly cleaned the kitchen, then stripped him down and put him in. He had his favorite blue duck with him and he spent the next few minutes smiling and splashing around!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Trampoline & Sprinkler Fun

Two things my girls love: jumping on their trampoline and playing in the water! One warm day last week, Jaime turned the sprinkler on under the trampoline and let the girls have it! They had so much fun. The water was a little too cold for me but I enjoyed laying out on the trampoline with Brooklyn, when they were done!

Aaron and Easton

Almost 3 weeks after we had Easton, my brother and sister-in-law had their first baby-Aaron. Josh and Julie have come down for a vacation (Josh is in the Navy and stationed in Connecticut) and this is my second time to see Aaron. He's a very active boy and other than my brother's hair color, he looks just like his mama! Here the boys are:

One word: HAIR!!

My Guy

I really, really LOVE this boy! He is the sweetest, cutest and most calm baby around. Very grateful for my little guy!!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Easton-9 Months

With each passing day, our buddy-boy gets closer and closer to that one year mark! So before I cry, let's move on..... :)

Last week, I took Easton for his 9 month well-check with Dr. Smith and he did great! We have a healthy, active, and sweet boy on our hands who grows more cute with each second! Here are his most recent fun facts:

-weighs 20 lbs and 8oz, 29 inches long (both 75th%)
-wearing 9 or 12 month clothing, mostly
-has three bottom teeth and four top teeth coming, 2 of which have already broke through
-eating 3 meals a day with snacks. Only nursing at night and taking formula easily with a bottle during the day. We are also working on a sippy cup.
-can self-feed with bigger things like a cracker. Can pick up puffs and yogurt bites but has a hard time releasing them into your mouth. They seem to get lost somewhere in your hand!
-army crawling all over the house! Getting up on your knees and rocking.
-getting into things now and we are learning the words "no-no"!
-will say "da-da" and make other noises
-if we ask for kisses, you will open your mouth and lean forward to kiss us. It is pretty precious and we ask often.....because we love it!!!
-napping has been hard still because of teething but you are so exhausted at night time, that you still sleep great then. Usually sleep from about 8 or 9 to 7ish.
-continue to be a very calm and relatively quiet baby. You have such a sweet and mild personailty.
-recognize who mommy, daddy and your sisters are

Easton James, we love you SO much and couldn't imagine our life without you!!

Game Night

Jaime and I continue to be grateful for the friendship we have in Nathan and Tiffany. We've been building our relationship for about four years now and it just continues to get better. We are huge "relationship" people and its so refreshing to have found a couple that puts in an equal amount of devotion to the relationship. Tiffany has become a dear girlfriend of mine and I'm anxious for July, when her first baby-Grayson-will make his debut!
This past Friday, we went over to their house to eat dinner and play games. We always have such a great time!

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Love

People always said it.
But I just didn't believe it.
Now I know!!!
Boys are just as fun as girls.
And very special!
And this little boy has my heart....

Big Sisters

Easton has the greatest big sisters, ever!
They both love him, play with him, look out for him, fight over him AND get onto him! Whether he knows it or not, he's one lucky baby boy!

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day was fabulous (like always) and I enjoyed the "special treatment" that my husband and kids bestowed on me! I'm a pretty lucky girl EVERY day, but it's nice from time to time to get a little extra goodness! :)
On Sunday, I woke up to breakfast in bed that Jaime and Maddie had prepared, along with some gifts that the kids worked really hard on! I enjoyed some quiet time before it was time to get up and start heading to church. I color coordinated the kiddos (because I'm the mom and it's what I like!) and took them into town. Jaime was coaching in a soccer tournament (the only bummer) so it was just me and the kids for church this day. We enjoyed a great service then met daddy at home after everything was over. I haven't been feeling very well lately. I'm actually heading to the doctor in the morning for what I'm pretty sure is a UTI, so I've pretty much gotten to relax for the past 2 days. Thank you, Jaime!! Other than feeling bad, it's been wonderful! Jaime has cooked dinner the past 2 nights and taken great care of the kids. All-in-all, Mothers Day was terrific and I wouldn't trade the life I have for anything!