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Monday, May 20, 2013

Easton-9 Months

With each passing day, our buddy-boy gets closer and closer to that one year mark! So before I cry, let's move on..... :)

Last week, I took Easton for his 9 month well-check with Dr. Smith and he did great! We have a healthy, active, and sweet boy on our hands who grows more cute with each second! Here are his most recent fun facts:

-weighs 20 lbs and 8oz, 29 inches long (both 75th%)
-wearing 9 or 12 month clothing, mostly
-has three bottom teeth and four top teeth coming, 2 of which have already broke through
-eating 3 meals a day with snacks. Only nursing at night and taking formula easily with a bottle during the day. We are also working on a sippy cup.
-can self-feed with bigger things like a cracker. Can pick up puffs and yogurt bites but has a hard time releasing them into your mouth. They seem to get lost somewhere in your hand!
-army crawling all over the house! Getting up on your knees and rocking.
-getting into things now and we are learning the words "no-no"!
-will say "da-da" and make other noises
-if we ask for kisses, you will open your mouth and lean forward to kiss us. It is pretty precious and we ask often.....because we love it!!!
-napping has been hard still because of teething but you are so exhausted at night time, that you still sleep great then. Usually sleep from about 8 or 9 to 7ish.
-continue to be a very calm and relatively quiet baby. You have such a sweet and mild personailty.
-recognize who mommy, daddy and your sisters are

Easton James, we love you SO much and couldn't imagine our life without you!!

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