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Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day was fabulous (like always) and I enjoyed the "special treatment" that my husband and kids bestowed on me! I'm a pretty lucky girl EVERY day, but it's nice from time to time to get a little extra goodness! :)
On Sunday, I woke up to breakfast in bed that Jaime and Maddie had prepared, along with some gifts that the kids worked really hard on! I enjoyed some quiet time before it was time to get up and start heading to church. I color coordinated the kiddos (because I'm the mom and it's what I like!) and took them into town. Jaime was coaching in a soccer tournament (the only bummer) so it was just me and the kids for church this day. We enjoyed a great service then met daddy at home after everything was over. I haven't been feeling very well lately. I'm actually heading to the doctor in the morning for what I'm pretty sure is a UTI, so I've pretty much gotten to relax for the past 2 days. Thank you, Jaime!! Other than feeling bad, it's been wonderful! Jaime has cooked dinner the past 2 nights and taken great care of the kids. All-in-all, Mothers Day was terrific and I wouldn't trade the life I have for anything!

1 comment:

Caci said...

Everybody looks beautiful, and I hope you feel better soon!