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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Land

I'm telling ya...country living is where it's at! Don't get me wrong, I like all the nice amenities that are available to Us these days. But I also love peace and quiet and a slower pace of life. I love seeing my children run around in open spaces and fish in my parents pond. I enjoy looking at, helping with and eating out of a garden. And I'm so grateful that we have land available to us to build on soon. We are probably a year away from trying to sell our home. If and when that happens, we'll start the process of building and I'm so excited. I'm excited for the future but quite content in my home that I have now and totally ok with waiting on the Lord's timing! 
This evening, we went over to my parent's house for dinner. Jaime and my dad worked on cutting up fire wood (also a huge plus!) and the kids watched them work and played. What a great evening!

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