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Thursday, July 19, 2012

15 months

My sweet Brooklyn, you are growing up before my very eyes and I love you to pieces!
You are the sweetest, prettiest, funniest and cuddliest little 15 month old out there. You have such a fun personality and continue to be a mama's girl, though you have started wanting your daddy more lately. You still love your sister and can really play and interact with her now. You also argue with her and can throw quite the fit when something doesn't go your way!
We took you to see Dr. Smith last week for your well check and as always you cried, but handled it a little better this time than in the past. You got three shots before leaving and we are all excited that at your 18 month well check, you'll be shot free! Here are a few 15 month stats:

-weigh 22lbs. 1oz. (40th %) and are 29 inches (10th %)
-wearing size 4 diapers
-wearing 12 month-18 month clothing with a size 4 shoe
-you have lots of teeth with a new top molar currently coming in
-sleep from about 7:30pm to 7:00am (sometimes later, if sister doesn't wake you up)
-still taking two naps. though often the morning nap is a little shorter, or non-existent, depending on what we are doing that day.
-eating all table food and can even feed yourself with a toddler fork though you usually need a little help "stabbing" the food
-can say the following words (some of them are clear, and some of them are not): mommy, daddy, sissa (sister), baby, puppy, butt (for belly button and trust me, we are working hard on the whole word being button versus butt!), hi, bye, nose, eyes, dink (drink), kitty, bubbles, no and a few others.....
-can take a crayon and make some marks on a page
-can throw a ball or toy in front of you
-beginning to climb on things and can get yourself down from the couch by turning around and lowering your feet down first
-has learned how to open my water bottles without me looking and get your self a drink

A few cute things about you right now:
-you love Kung Fu Panda 2 and will watch almost the whole movie, often times laughing out loud at random parts
-if I ask you to give the baby a kiss, you'll lift up my shirt and put your lips to my tummy while saying "muah" really loud. You also blow the sweetest sugars!
-you do NOT like anyone to touch my tummy. You start to cry and try to push their hand away!
if we say "let's brush your teeth" or "go take a bath" you immediately know to run to the bathroom. you also know that your drink goes in the fridge and will stand in front of it and point if you are thirsty.
-if you are disobeying we will sometimes ask you if you want a spanking. you always smile, look down at the floor, and shake your head no.
-have learned where your nose and eyes are
-will say NO to your sister if she is bothering you
-if you have something you are not suppose to and we ask you to give it to us, you'll sometimes turn around and take off running, thinking you are being cute!
-when daddy walks in the door, you scream his name and run to him!

A few pictures of you recently:

Looking for sister in the bathroom

Playing naked in the back yard

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