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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So much has been going on in our house lately! About a week ago, Brooklyn began running a fever on a Thursday night. I try not to immediately panic about that, especially since she wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms. I chalked it up to teething and began treating the fever with some medicine. Unfortunately, her fever would never break and only began going up, getting as high as 103. Poor girl...she was completely miserable. I would alternate motrin and tylenol, wipe her down with cool rags, try to keep fluids in her, and hold her....NON-STOP. Nothing would get her fever to go down. By this point, it was Friday night late and she began to develop some other symptoms. She threw up in the middle of the night because she had started to become pretty congested. Then her nose started to run. I knew at that point, she 100% had an ear infection. It was disheartening, since she had one only about a month prior, but by Saturday evening, the 24 hour clinic on Broadway confirmed that was exactly what it was. :( She's been taking an anitbiotic since then and has a follow-up with her pediatrician this next week. Im praying that it has cleared up and hopefully we have more of break before she gets another ear infection. Those things are so rough on little ones!

Maddie girl has been enjoying the sunshine and nice days we've had lately. I open up my windows in the kitchen and send her out to the back yard. It's fenced in, and she's penty old enough to run around by herself, with me checking on her periodically out the window. She jumps on her trampoline, plays with her basketball goal, draws with sidewalk chalk, and kicks her soccer ball around. I can hardly believe she will be 4 years old in roughly 2 weeks. Her Candyland party is quickly approaching and she is super excited! Im making a cake that is suppose to resemble the Candyland playing board, decorating with lollipops, and having lots of candy at her party! And thank-you Pinterest for all your help-ful ideas. I am not naturally a crafty person but enjoy trying simple projects when I can!

Birthday outfit. Lollipop shirt and tu-tu. Lots of color!

Lollipop example. Will have a few outside, lining my walk-way.

Playing outside

Brooklyn will be one in April, so Im also slowly working on her party as well. She's going to have an Easter party, fit with an appropriate outfit herself! Only to be topped off with a cute set of bunny ears too! She'll have lots of bunnies, pastel colors, jelly beans, etc... I've made one arrangement for her so far and I thought it turned out pretty cute!

Baby number 3 is doing well! We heard the heartbeat yesterday and it was a strong 162 BPM. From the beginning, I've believed with all my heart that this baby is a boy. But now, with such a fast heartbeat, Im doubting my self. Either way, I'll be so happy and can't wait till March 12th! We've set up an early sonogram at sonocare to find out what this little one will be. Please keep praying, that boy or girl, this sweet baby is growing and developing perfectly! Here is a little belly shot. Im 14 weeks along and not wearing a single maternity outfit. This is completely different than how I've been before with my girls. Granted, I think my belly is a mixture of old and new baby fat, but people are telling me that it is looking more and more like a true baby bump!

We have names picked. If it's a boy, it will be Easton James. That's always been the name, we've just been waiting to use it! If it's another beautfiul girl, we are debating between either Olivia Grace or Camdyn Grace. Can't wait to find out!

And before I leave you, aren't my girls just the cutest?!?!? They both love watching Mickey Mouse and I was able to snatch a few pictures of them together this morning!

Love them!

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