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Saturday, February 11, 2012

10 Months

Today, our little nugget is 10 months old and changing with each passing day! She is such a joy to be around! At 10 months, you are:

-probably 18-ish pounds
-wearing size 3 diapers
-still wearing a lot of 6-9 month clothing.
-you have 4 teeth...2 on top and 2 on bottom
-FINALLY drinking out of a sippy cup!!
-eating a variety of stage 3 foods, graduates meals, and table food
-some favorites are fruit, sweet potatoes, pasta meals, green beans, rice and potatoes
-sleeping from about 7:30 or 8 to about 6:30 in the morning
-still taking two naps
-pulling up with ease and cruising around the couch and other furniture
-saying dada, mama, nana, and something that sounds like bye
-will sit and watch cartoons for a few minutes, especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-about 2 weeks ago, you got sick for the first time with your very first ear infection and cold. Sister was sick with the same thing at the same time. It was a rough week!

I am already in birthday mode. You and your sister really slam us when it comes to birthdays; being back to back months and all, so Im trying to get a head start. Maddie's party will be first but I've already started making plans for when you turn the big ONE. We are planning on a cute little Easter party for our Spring baby. Lots of pretty colors, chicks, bunnies, etc... I can't believe a full year has almost passed!

Waiting in the car at one of dad's soccer tourny's. It was cooolllddd!

I tried to get a picture of your top teeth but you can also see how the hair on the top of your head is longer than anywhere else. Granted, it really doesn't stick up that much but it does make you look a little like chicken little! :)

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