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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brooklyn's Room

Brooklyn's room is finally complete! I don't have many pictures on the computer right now, so I can't show you everything I'd like. But here is just a small glimpse of what the nursery looks like. Now, we just need a baby!
Oh, and we ended up adjusting the N at the end of Brooklyn's name to a lower position. It looks better now! :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

35 weeks

Who would of thought that I would still be pregnant at 35 weeks? NOT ME!

Three weeks ago, Brooklyn was coming.....fast and furious. We managed to fight off labor at that point, but it took extreme meausures and 2 weeks worth of time. Now, I sit at home, waiting for the next sign of labor again(I've seriously contracted and labored already more than any woman should ever have to!). Will the contractions pick back up? Will my water break? Or, of all things, will I hit the 38 week mark and be induced by my doctor? I couldn't even begin to tell you how I think this will all play out!!! Im just praying for smoothness and a great outcome! We've come so far with all our miscarriages and the roughness of this pregnancy that I'm just ready to hold our baby.

Until then, here's a picture of my ever growing belly (and whole body for that matter!)...... :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Baby Update

Jaime and I went to see my doctor yesterday for the first time since being discharged from the hospital. She was on vacation last week so it was another doctor within the practice that actually made the call to release me. Needless to say, when she walked into the room, she was pretty surprised! She told us that she made her hospital rounds on Monday morning and looked everywhere for me. When she realized I was gone, she just knew it was because I had delivered so she then proceeded to look for Brooklyn in the NICU. At the time, she had not spoken with her partner doctor so was very confused. Finally, a nurse told her that I had been released STILL PREGNANT. I've never seen a doctor so pleased that her patient had made it to such a great place after such a battle. She told us that since I was now over 34 weeks, labor would no longer be stopped, and when things started to kick up again-she would allow me to deliver. She also said that she felt really great about Brooklyn since we got the steroid shots in and felt like we had bought ourself a lot of time and a huge reward by fighting off labor for those two weeks. It hasn't been uncommon for me to breathe through contractions that are 3 minutes apart, for maybe an hour or two. So we discussed other signs I should be watching for as indicators that it's time to head back to the hospital. Im still dilated to a 3 and couldn't imagine going too much longer, but I suppose crazier things have happened, so just in case.....she will induce at 38 weeks. I am so ready for this little girl to get here, and truthfully, sooner rather than later. Im praying for a smooth delivery and as pain free as possible (YES, I want my epidural!), especially since I've been through so much discomfort already.
Come on Baby Brooklyn! Let's finish this!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Maddie's 3rd Birthday!

We weren't sure if we would be able to fit Maddie's birthday in or if it would need to be postponed. When the doctor discharged me from the hospital yesterday (after 2 weeks), I was so excited to be going home and just in time for her actual birthday today. At 1:18 on the 13th, Maddie turned 3 years old and we were able to put a small party together for her with friends, family and cupcakes with punch! Maddie got tons and tons of gifts and seemed to have a great time. Here are just a few pictures.
Happy birthday Maddie girl! You are the joy of our life!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's going on?!?!?!?

If you follow our other blog:
or keep up on facebook, then you know that not only have I been on bedrest for 4 weeks now, but I've spent roughly the past week in the hospital. I started out at ETMC only to be moved to Mother Francis because preterm labor progressed and cervical change started. As of my last check, I was 50% effaced and dilated between a 1 and 2. The change in hospitals was necessary since ETMC does not have a NICU. We needed that option in case Brooklyn does in deed show up early. She has also been given steroids to help develop her lungs quicker, just in case. Please be praying for all of us during this chaotic time(Jaime, Me, Maddie, Brooklyn, and all the family and friends that are pitching in so faithfully to help us out).