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Sunday, April 18, 2010


We've been trying to grow a lot of things at our new house and develop somewhat of a "green-thumb". It's safe to say that we have a long way to go, but have enjoyed spending the time planting a few flowers and some vegetables. Here are a few pictures of our latest projects:

We've got peppers!

And tomatoes!

There are potted flowers!

And even a few Azaleas! Our plan is to till up a section in our back-yard and create a TRUE garden. Keep in mind though,we've only been moved in for a little over a month, so for now, this is as good as it gets. Jaime has been spending a lot of time and energy on making the yard look nice. I think he's done a great job and we both hope that we see lots of growth and production out of the things we've planted!


Our most recent and precious production is this:

Ah....two lines have never looked better!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't equally as scared as I am excited. It's been a full year of trying for a second baby. And also a full year of losing two pregnancies. When that happens, it puts a fear in you that you never really knew before. Im only a little over 4 weeks along-very early-and am calculating this baby to be due sometime around December 25th or 26th. We decided to go ahead and make our news public that so people were aware and could be praying. Praying for GROWTH and development. Praying for peace versus anxiousness. Praying for a sweet and healthy bundle of joy, set to make his or her appearance at the msot perfect and special time...Christmas!


The Gentry's said...

So excited for y'all!!

Jennifer said...

Congrats! We will be praying for you as well!