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Saturday, April 10, 2010

No Pictures, Just Words

Our sweet 2 year old is growing more and more, everyday. Here is an update on all the things she currently does:

-Everynight we have story time, and then a prayer, followed by Maddie going to sleep in her big girl bed. She holds our hands during the prayer and it is completely precious.

-She holds mini-conversations with us. It shocks me how she uses words and forms sentences together.

-She loves to sing. Her favorites are "Veggie Tales", "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" and "Rock-a-bye-baby". She also enjoys dancing and has a VERY GIRLIE side to her. She has also been known to holler out "shake your booty" to a complete and total stranger, too! We can thank Papaw for that one!

-She's a big helper and actually enjoys cleaning like mommy or "helping" daddy in the yard. I suppose I should probably take full-advantage of this while I can!

-She's not too picky of an eater though she doesn't like things that are mushy-like green beans. She loves raw carrots and will dip anything (and I do mean ANTHING) in ranch dressing!

-No matter what time it is in the day, her new favorite things to say is "Good Morning".

-Her favorite things are animals, babies and anything she can play with outside. She has amazing coordination and I think she is going to be both "girlie" and "sporty"! She screams GOAL after kicking a soccer ball and inevitably throws her bat across the backyard if she misses the ball after she swings. I blame Jaime for her temper!

There is so much more that she says and does that I couldn't even begin to document it all. I love her more and more everyday and am so grateful for my time with her!

As for other news, Jaime is beginning to wrap up the end of his school year and looks forward to his summer. We've taken up a new love with gardening. We are amateurs-to say the least-but are willing to learn and try things out. It's taken a great deal of time just to get our flower beds cleaned out-let alone plant anything. We have done a little though. I planted peppers in a pot and will probably plant tomatoes as well. I have planted a banana tree and some lillies, too. We aren't done yet and we are learning as we go. It's been to experiment and hope that, with time, we actually know what it is we are doing!

As soon as I get a camera battery, I will update more. And this time with pictures!

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