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Monday, January 18, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Christmas was a ton of fun with Maddie. She really enjoyed the whole "Santa Clause" concept this year, and I only anticipate that that will get more exciting as the years go by. We did all of our traditional things: Christmas movies, stories, cookies for Santa, Happy Birthday Jesus cake, and so on. Maddie got a ton of gifts (probably too many) and has yet to comprehend all that happened! Here are just a few pictures:

On December 30th, Jaime and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We went to our special restaurant, Julians, and enjoyed a nice evening out-just the two of us. I still remember, back in May of 2005, seeing this cute guy stroll up to the softball fields to play with our men's church team. Who knew that I would later end up marrying that guy and having the most beautiful daughter with him! I really love our life and what we are building together. He is a great husband and father and I love him more than anything!

Jaime and I are really hopeful as to what this year could hold for us. We are still trying for another baby, and after 2 miscarriages, are praying that a new and successful pregnancy may be in the near future. We are also weeks away from purchasing our first home together and are really excited about that! Please be praying for my family as we move towards change and excitement, but also fear.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

sounds like exciting times at your house and soon to be new house...hope that everything goes great.