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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tradition

Since Jaime and I got married, there have been many traditions that we have started. One of them is our annual trip out to Lindale. Since I was pregnant with Maddie, we have made a point to take a special evening trip out and about during the Christmas season. We always go and eat at the Cracker Barrel, shop around in their "store", and then head over to see the lights at Santa Land. It's something that is so simple but so much fun. Maddie enjoyed it this year! She ate great (of course) and absolutely loved getting to sit in my lap as we drove through Santa Land! She would say "reindeer" and "where's Santa" the whole time. :) She's precious!


Jennifer said...

sounds like fun...she looks just like you!

Amanda said...

Well, thank you! Not many people say that...so that's nice to hear.

Windy Smith said...

We have never been to Santa Land. I think we need to go even if it is just an excuse to eat at the Cracker Barrel. I love that girl! She is getting big.