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Saturday, September 27, 2008

A New Day!

What a gorgeous morning! I woke up pretty refreshed and feeling better than I have in a week or so. I think I might be on the up-and-up, with the worst behind me now!

Jaime will be home in a few hours and we have big plans to go to the grocery store, and to possibly hit up Babies R' US for a highchair for Maddie. I actually enjoy grocery shopping, especially when I can go with my husband, and I look forward to making a home-cooked meal tonight for Jaime! It's one of his few early evenings home, so I plan on taking full advantage of it! I'm also in the Fall mood and am considering decorating my house a little. I don't have much Fall stuff, mostly just Christmas, but I'm going to work with what I have! I don't really get into the big Halloween thing. I don't like witches, and skeletons, and stuff like that. I'd rather decorate with pumpkins and mums, and have my house smelling like something "spicey!"

Tomorrow is a big day in our church! After worship, I have a Children's Ministry Team meeting, then marriage class with Jaime. At 5:00, it's our annual I Love My Church: Picnic in the Park at Bergfeld. I'm looking forward to good fellowship, good hamburgers, and a nice evening in the park with my Maddie. It will be her 1st time at the park and I'm pretty excited. I hope to have some pictures to post later!

1 comment:

Caci said...

I agree with your idea of fall decorating....I think fall decorations and smells are my favorite!!