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Sunday, September 21, 2008

All Done

Well, it's over. I've officially nursed my daughter for the last time and am now in the middle of the painful process of "drying up" my milk. When I was still pregnant with Maddie, I knew that I wanted to atleast try to nurse. When she was born, it was difficult and painful, but nothng that wasn't to be expected. Within a few weeks, the pain was gone and she was a natural eater! I loved every second of nursing and tried to set small goals along the way for myself and for her. After accomplishing my first goal of being able to do it; I set my next one at 6 months. Now 6 months have come and gone, and I struggled with what to do next. I've been praying a lot about whether or not I should go to work. I've been testing the job market lately, and though I haven't had much success and would rather stay home with my daughter any day, I decided to go ahead and stop nursing. When I made the decision, I had no idea how difficult it was truly going to be. I had weaned her done alot but still expected some physical pain. The pain, however, has been pretty intense. But besides that...the emotional feelings attached to it have been even more heavy. I cried for three days straight because I missed it so much. I'll never again get to nurse Maddie, and though it may seem silly to some, it's actually a big deal to me. It's such a fun bond between you and your child. I look forward to doing it again someday.

1 comment:

Caci said...

I had to stop nursing Cole cold-turkey when he was 7 months old because I had found out I was pg again and the nurse told me it was the best thing for the baby I was carrying. I have since learned that it is perfectly ok to nurse while pregnant, but I didn't know that at the time and stopping cold-turkey is extremely painful, so I know how you feel. The worst part was that I didn't WANT to stop nursing and then I had a miscarriage and couldn't nurse Cole anymore. I am glad I had Jacob (nursed for 12 months) and Annalisa (nursed for 15 months). I really enjoyed nursing my babies and wouldn't change a thing about it! Hope you feel better soon!