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Sunday, February 28, 2016

French braid

About a year ago, I learned how to French braid. I'm still learning but I've come a long way! Brooklyn is my guinea pig most of the time, but occasionally, Maddie will sit down and let me practice on her too. I love doing it and I'm determined to get better! With three girls living in my house, I want to be a mom that knows how to do cute hair styles!

Invitation for Easton

Buddy got invited to his first birthday party without his siblings. A little girl in his SS class had a party and I took him this past Saturday, while the rest of the kids stayed home with Jaime. He was so excited to go and he had a blast! I'm so thankful for all the little friends in my kid's lives!

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, we went out to eat as a family! I got the kids a few little treats and we just enjoyed our time together. They wore their shirts Windy made for them and looked adorable!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

HG and KK

I caught a few pictures of sweet Haylee and Kate the other day at dance! It's been fun watching these two buddies grow up! Now they are both on the move and us moms are so excited! Love these two girls to pieces! :)


When I was a kid, my Papa would always show me and my cousin the movie Labyrinth when we would spend summer breaks at his house. I always remember it being such a part of my childhood! Several years ago, I found it on DVD and snatched it up!!! A few weeks ago, David Bowie passed away, and so they decided to play Labyrinth down at Liberty Hall! As soon as I heard, I knew I had to go! It was really a dream come true to see it on the big screen! Jaime and I had a little date at Don Juan's before hand and then met up with Mel for the movie. We had a blast!

ABR in Dallas

On 1.14, 2016; we loaded up the car with Haylee and headed to Dallas. We left at 6 am (early!!!!) because we had to be at Childrens Medical Center for a 9am appointment. My mom and dad took care of the three bigger kids for us, thankfully, so we could focus on the baby only! Such a help! Haylee was having a hearing test done, called an ABR, which they sedated her for. It was in effort to make sure she had no hearing loss in either of her ears and is a very conclusive test. She did great and we were very pleased with how things went! Most of all, the results showed her hearing was completely normal! What a praise!!!