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Saturday, August 27, 2016

August Surgeries

Before Easton's birthday, Jaime had sinus surgery. Then on Thursday the 25th, Maddie had two hernias repaired and on Friday the 26th, Haylee had eye surgery. Talk about busy!!! Both girls are recovering well and I'm glad to be moving past this season! Thank you Father for seeing us through. 

Now I'm praying that the rest of this year is a little less overwhelming!! :)

Dinosaur Party

On August 13th, Easton James turned 4 years old. We celebrated with birthday donuts and a few gifts!

The weekend after, he had his dinosaur birthday party and had such a great time! August was a busy month this year, with school starting and three family surgeries, so it was a small gathering...but buddy didn't care at all! He had a blast and I'm so glad that he did! 

Easton, we love you bud! You are the best boy ever!

First Day of School

The 2016-17 school year is underway and this year, I have not one, but two excited girls! Maddie is in 3rd grade and my sweet Brooklyn Hope started Kindergarten. I was nervous earlier in the summer about how she would feel about being away from me since she's such a mama's girl but I quickly felt such peace about it. She's a social butterfly and as soon as she found out she got Mrs. M (Maddie's former teacher and our friend) we were all excited and ready to go! Maddie is also enjoying Mrs. Dickerson and Mrs. Melton this year. I miss both my girls but I enjoy hearing about their day when they get back. In the meantime, it's peaceful with just the two little ones and that's a nice change too!