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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Father's Day 2015

The kids and I are so blessed to have Jaime in our lives! He's such a good daddy to his girls AND his boy! He's also a wonderful husband to me. A man that's willing to work hard for his family is rare these days. I'm grateful that I have that in him! For many years, he's worked multiple jobs so that I could be home with our children. He's been a wonderful provider and a Godly leader! 

For Father's Day this year, he requested a few "school things" that he wanted to help with his graduate work. We enjoyed a great morning at church and then went out to eat at Chuy's after! The kids also made him some cute and special things to show their love for daddy! :)

Swim Lessons

Jaime signed the big girls up for swim lessons this year. My mom and dad just put up a pool, plus they have a pond behind the house, so it's really important for all the kids to be safe around water and be good swimmers. We went through UT Tyler and had a really good experience! Easton and Haylee didn't participate this year but Maddie and Brooklyn did really well. Brooklyn has learned how to blow her bubbles and has gotten much more comfortable with the water now! Maddie, however, has turned into a little fish and is swimming really well! We will definitely do lessons again next summer, too! 


A few weekends ago, the Lady Wildcats won 2nd place in the state tournament for their age division!