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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 13, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday to our Maddie-girl!
Hard to believe that 7 years have already passed since we became parents. I can remember that Spring morning so well, when we woke up early and drove to the hospital. It was an amazing day and I have loved every day since then!

Now, you are a big sister to 3 younger siblings and own that role in such a wonderful way! They all look up to you so much and I'm proud of the big girl you are becoming!
You are still our headstrong first-born but that doesn't cause as many discipline issues as it use to. ;) You excel at school, other than math, and absolutely LOVE to read! We've been blessed with great, Christian teachers the past two years and I'm pleased at all the information you've learned from them!
You are our little athlete, for sure, and you've just started your first season of softball/t-ball. I think you may turn into quite the runner too. You are incredibly fast!!
Your well-check is in a few weeks, but for now: 
-wear 6x clothes. You're long and skinny! And size 13 shoe.
-you have 2 adult teeth on bottom and 1 on top. We are waiting for 2 more on top to come in!
-recently started to learn how to ride your bike without training wheels
-you are tall like your daddy and already come up to my chest! You'll pass me by before too long!
-still a little artist! You enjoy drawing, coloring and painting.

Maddie-we love you so much! Happy birthday!

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