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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Haylee-6 months

Today, was Haylee's 6 month well-check and I'm happy to report that she continues to be right on track! Hard to believe that half a year has passed since your birth! Mommy is enjoying each moment but also praying that these next six months creep by a little slower! 

You are:
-17lbs and 15oz (75%)
-26 inches long (60%)
-wearing 6/9 month clothes
-sleeps on your tummy and can sleep all night, sometimes going to bed at 830 and waking at 6
-nursing every 3 hours during day and about to start our 3rd actual meal.
-a good eater
-having issues with constipation so for now, we are having to do prunes everyday, along with apple juice/prune juice mix in a bottle
-rolls from tummy to back, only. On your back, you prefer to play with your toes. Dr. Smith says you'll be sitting up soon.
-starting to figure out and enjoy your exersaucer.
-you have discovered you can make fun squeals with your voice and often, we find you in bed cooing and talking.
-your hair is starting to grow back and I'm excited that it may be brown like Brooklyn's!

Brooklyn's Dance Show-Off

This week, we had a chance to join Brooklyn in the dance studio for an up-close look at all she's been learning. All the dancers had lots of eyes watching them and I was unsure of how Brooklyn would do. There was a moment, at the beginning, where she acted a little shy but I'm pleased to say that she quickly got over it! She joined right in and appeared to have a good time! I was so proud of her!

Sunday, December 7, 2014


My dad and brothers have tried to teach me how to shoot my whole life! I've attempted multiple times, but being right-handed) I could never close the necessary eye in order to look down the scope. Finally, my dad said to just try left-handed, close my right eye and look down the scope with my left eye......which appears to be dominant. Ha...who knew?! It actually worked! Even though, I'm still not left-handed, I now know that that's how I need to shoot! It was a fun learning experience!

Black Eye

This past week, I got a phone call from the school nurse. Maddie (my go-getter!) had an accident in PE while playing soccer. As a result, she now has a nice black eye! She's a tough girl though and didn't even cry!