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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Haylee-6 months

Today, was Haylee's 6 month well-check and I'm happy to report that she continues to be right on track! Hard to believe that half a year has passed since your birth! Mommy is enjoying each moment but also praying that these next six months creep by a little slower! 

You are:
-17lbs and 15oz (75%)
-26 inches long (60%)
-wearing 6/9 month clothes
-sleeps on your tummy and can sleep all night, sometimes going to bed at 830 and waking at 6
-nursing every 3 hours during day and about to start our 3rd actual meal.
-a good eater
-having issues with constipation so for now, we are having to do prunes everyday, along with apple juice/prune juice mix in a bottle
-rolls from tummy to back, only. On your back, you prefer to play with your toes. Dr. Smith says you'll be sitting up soon.
-starting to figure out and enjoy your exersaucer.
-you have discovered you can make fun squeals with your voice and often, we find you in bed cooing and talking.
-your hair is starting to grow back and I'm excited that it may be brown like Brooklyn's!

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