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Friday, October 17, 2014

Haylee Grace-4 months

Yesterday was Haylee's 4 month well-check and she continues to get great reports! Daddy and I are beyond pleased with her sweet girl's progress. Only a few short months ago, she was extremely sick. Now, she's rockin' and rollin' like any healthy 4 month old! 
At 4 months, you:

-weigh 15lbs 5oz (60%) and 25 inches (60%) with a small head (10%)
-wear a range of clothes due to your length. Most 3 month things don't fit unless its a dress. Typically, you wear 6 month outfits but a 9 month item has floated in from time-to-time.
-you nurse every 2-3 hours during the day with one cereal feeding now. At night, you are sleeping great....what I would consider, "all night"! Occasionally, you wake up...but nothing compared to our earlier months! 😊
-smiling all the time and we now get giggles and coos since you've discovered your voice!
-rolled twice from tummy to back but still working on the other way. For now, you lift up your legs and rock to your side, so I think we are almost there!
-reflux has gotten much better! You still spit up but it doesn't seem to hurt you as much and it no longer comes out your nose!
-we are about to have your hearing re-checked since you had a fail after the NICU. We will also get your eyes checked too but Dr. Smith doesn't anticipate anything bad.

Haylee Grace, you are such a special girl. Almost losing you, was the scariest moment of our lives. We praise Him for His healing powers and are forever grateful to have you here with us! Slow down now, baby girl! You are our last baby and we want to enjoy every moment of this "baby time" with you!

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