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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Combo Post

Today has been a great day! Jaime took off from work to go with me to see Dr. Harris. It was our gender sonogram today and once Miss Haylee finally decided to uncross her legs, they confirmed it was a girl! Everything checked out great and it was fun to see how much she has grown! I'm 21 weeks and 2 days, today, and feeling well. I'm still wearing small maternity clothes and have gained a total of about 15 pounds. She moves like crazy and Maddie even felt her kick the other day. It was an exciting moment!

After our appointment, we planned lunch together to celebrate Valentine's day early since Jaime will be coaching tomorrow. We headed to Chuy's but stopped off at the mall first, where Jaime had this waiting on me. Yum....my favorite!

Valentine's Day isn't usually a big deal in our house. We aren't the kind of people to drop hundreds of dollars just for the sake of it being February 14th. We enjoy sweet and simple cause we love each other EVERY day! 
I plan on making Jaime's favorite meal tonight and Aunt Mel is coming over too, because its Thursday night and that's just what we do! It's the little things.... :)

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