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Sunday, February 23, 2014

On the Lake

Saturday night, we had a family event for Jaime's Band of Brothers group from church. We met at a couples' home that live on Lake Palestine. They just finished building and their house is gorgeous with an amazing view! We had a great time eating and hanging out!


Daddy decided to enjoy the perks of having a little boy. No, we aren't really "Mohawk" people but his hair has gotten long so Jaime decided to have a little fun. We actually got a lot of compliments and I must admit, he looked pretty cute! Be looking for "1st haircut" posts soon. I think it's almost time!

Random Pictures

Enjoying the nice weather and our swing set!

Saturday morning cartoons

Play date with friends

22.5 weeks

Maddie drew a picture of Brooklyn's "favorite things". You can see Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the middle and Mickey Mouse himself, on the bottom left corner.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dance Update

We are quickly moving through the dance season and are anxious for our 2nd recital with Maddie, in April! I'm still relatively sure that this will be Maddie's last year in dance. She wants to try sports for a while. She may surprise us someday and come back to dance, but probably when she has more options other than just tap and ballet. Brooklyn, however, will be ready to take her place this coming year!

Here is Maddie, ready to go to dance tonight. I also threw in a picture of this year's costume. The top portion is purple and pink with a pink and white tutu to go underneath. They'll also be wearing tiaras in their hair. I love it!

Lunch with daddy

After Easton's doctors appointment, we drove over to Chapel Hill and ate a spaghetti lunch with dad in the gym. Then the kids got to play before we headed home for naps! 

Easton-18 months

My boy keeps right on growing! He's 18 months now and we had his well-check this morning with Dr. Smith. Everything turned out great other than some eczema issues and a little low iron (which he's had for a while). We got some topical cream and iron supplements and went on our merry way! Here are some stats/info about you know:

-weight is a little over 27 pounds. You actually lost about a pound but you've been very active lately! You are 90th percentile and 75th on height. Dr. Smith said you will definitely be tall like Jaime and we will probably need to move you into a toddler bed, sooner rather than later.
-you are not a picky eater! You'll eat most anything and for as long as we offer it to you!
-you have two strikes against you when it comes to language. You are a boy and you're 3rd baby. But Dr. Smith said you are right on track considering those things. You say: mama, dada, puppa(puppy), baba(baby), bye bye, yes, nana, papa(papaw), boo(book) and ball. 
-you follow commands we give you, if you're in the mood! :)
-starting to see some small tantrums, but nothing major yet.
-if I ask you to kiss the baby, you kiss my tummy.
-you LOVE: dogs, balls, cars, watching Toy Story 3 and Cars 2, brushing your teeth and running outside.
-you live dangerously! We are climbing now....on everything. You think it's fun to throw couch pillows down and then roll off the couch onto them. We put up a swing set and it has a small "rock wall". If we stand behind you, you can pretty much climb up it by yourself. I see broken bones and stitches in your future!
-you are a great sleeper: going to bed at 6:30 and waking up about 7am
-wearing mostly 24 month/ 2t 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday 2.16.14

Both girls wanted to wear their boots to church and of course, they looked adorable! Sunday was a great day and I really wanted to document it. We joined Central Baptist Church and couldn't be more happy. We are anxious to continue serving and building relationships!