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Friday, September 27, 2013

Mama's Boy

I've said it once, and I'll say it again; I LOVE having this boy around!

Our Week

Brooklyn and I started off our week with painting our fingernails and posing in front of flowers!

I also took the little ones to get the oil changed in my car. Then we had lunch at DQ!

As always, we did nightly homework with Maddie!

I got my haircut and Easton dressed up as 2 different super heroes, all in one week! :)

We took a few pictures before taking Maddie to school this morning, then I took the kids to Barnes-n-Noble. It was a bummer cause I discovered that they took out all seating for kids. But they still had fun looking at stuff and I got some great ideas for Christmas!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Funday

What a great way to wrap up a glorious weekend! 
We had church, I took a trip to Walmart, more outside play time and movie night for mommy and daddy after the kids were in bed! Tomorrow, we hit the ground running again! Thank you Lord for such a perfect few days!

Beautiful Saturday

Since the rain, the weather has been so nice! We spent some time Saturday afternoon playing outside. We jumped on the trampoline, played baseball and enjoyed some bubbles that Maddie got out of the treasure chest at school!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


What a great rainy Friday we had, yesterday! It was lovely! So we spent it doing fun things! We:

-wore maroon for our Whitehouse Wildcats
-baked banana bread (Brooklyn and I) and our first batch EVER, turned out yummy!
-and played a mad game of Candyland because Brooklyn is doing awesome at colors and counting

We ended the day with pizza and the movie Elf, because its never too early to start celebrating Christmas! :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

13 months

Easton, you are officially OVER a year old now! 
Not much has changed with you since last month. You are still as handsome as ever and mostly a calm little boy!
A few new things are:

-your hair is filling in on the top
-you can make the kissing noise and pretend like you are blowing them in our direction
-will holler at your sisters if they touch your motorcycle or wagon
-play peek.a.boo if we ask you "where's Easton?" and holler "baa" at us instead of boo
-say dada as soon as Jaime walks in the house and start running towards him