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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Though I've spent almost 3 weeks on bed rest now, I've still been a busy bee. Daytime TV is horrible and I can only read for so long, so I've tried to find other things to occupy my time. My favorite projects are ones that benefit my girls. So here is what I've done lately: cross-stitched a baby bib and learned how to make some simple bows. I've enjoyed doing both of them and are still looking for more CHEAP projects to help pass the time. If you have any ideas, and the willingness to help me, please share your knowledge! Our hope is to keep Brooklyn in for several more weeks, so Im going to need something to occupy my time!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Brooklyn at 30 weeks

We had a sonogram today and here are a few pictures of what we saw! Brooklyn looks just like her big sister and is growing well at roughly 3lbs. 8oz. right now! Our first goal is to keep her in atleast 4 more weeks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pregnancy Update #2

I suppose I better get use to watching lots of movies, reading books, and working crossword puzzles because this pregnant mama is now officially on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. (can you sense the excitement?) I literally spent ALL DAY at the doctor yesterday and it was miserable. I failed my one hour glucose test so I had to spend all morning repeating it, this time for a three hour test. I thought I would die, but finally made it through, and was released to go eat lunch. Thank goodness because I was starving! After lunch, I met up with Jaime and headed straight back to the doctor for an actual visit. They hooked me up to the fetal monitors along with checking my cervical length. To make a long story short, I am having enough contractions that they are beginning to shorten my cervix to only about 1 cm. With that being said, I take medication every 4 hours to lessen my contractions and have been put on permanent bed rest to hold off labor as long as possible. I'll be 30 weeks on Saturday and my doctor would like to see me get to atleast the 36 week mark. Every day that Brooklyn can stay put and develop more is a good day. I get up to go to the restroom, take a quick shower, and that's it. I rely on other people to do things for me, which is awkward, but I am so grateful that people are willing to help. This poses a whole new set of stresses and concerns, but I try to remain relaxed and simply focus on the baby. God has been so good to us up to this point and I trust that He will take care of everything!

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Pregnancy Update

I had a sonogram this week to take a peek at Brooklyn. This is, what is now considered, a routine follow-up based on the condition with her umbilical cord insertion. My doctor is watching us both very closely to ensure that everything goes well. Thankfully, the sonogram showed that she is putting on her much needed weight and is really looking great! However, in the process of checking in on Brooklyn, the tech noticed that my cervix was beginning to shorten. She asked me a lot of questions about any changes or contractions. Actually, for several days I had been having some pretty consistent Braxton Hicks and lower achiness in my back. It's obviously doing some things to my body and preparing myself for delivery a little sooner than it should. The doctor ordered a test done which will give them a better indication on if my body is tying to go into labor or not. Until we get those results back, she's put me on temporary bed rest to try and take it easy. Hopefully, the test comes back saying great things. As much as I enjoy not going to work, bed rest is actually pretty miserable. It's hard for me to limit myself so much and just lay around. However, if it keeps Brooklyn in just a little longer-then I'll 100% do it! I am extremely ready to meet her and really believe that she will probably come earlier than her due date. As long as she is healthy though and not in any danger, Im completely fine with that! Keep praying for this little girl. We have come so far!