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Monday, October 18, 2010

Back Online

Christmas came early this year!! I am so grateful too, because now I can resume blogging. We lived in pre-historic times for quite a while in our house and only owned a desktop computer. (I can hear the shock in your voice now) BUT, we finally have upgraded to a lap-top which makes all our computer use so much easier. So, after a long absence, I'm back, and all thanks to this:

And it's PINK too! How perfect. Thank you Jaime!

Well, we've moved into Fall but since it's been so long since I've posted, I actually have some Summer pictures to still post. So here are a few pictures from our last trip to a Rangers' game (who I might add, are currently playing the Yanks in post-season!)

In other news, baby #2 is on it's way and doing well. I am currently 13 weeks along and have had all great reports! I worry constantly, considering my history, but am really trying to trust that God has everything under control. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Katy Mitchell said...

So excited for your sweet family! Praying for you and that baby!