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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Short and Sweet-Our Summer Vacation

Recently, I took 3 days off of work and extended out my July 4th weekend so that we could make a trip up to Baraboo, WI. That's Jaime's hometown and we hadn't been there since we were dating! Jaime's brother and sister-in-law still live there (in the house that Jaime grew up in, of all things) along with lots of old friends. Though our trip was very short, we had a great time and really enjoyed some quality time together.

Maddie and "Monkey" (Uncle Jed)
Maddie and Aunt Traci
Train RideBaraboo is the home of the Circus World Museum and during the summer they have the big top show. It was a ton of fun to spend a whole day at the Circus and to just feel like a kid again. The ringmaster is the same guy from when Jaime was just a little boy. They don't allow pictures of all the acts-but here is a quick shot of Maddie. She climbed up into one of the wagons that they use to carry the lions in. And yes, she even growled for us!
We spent one day at a 4th of July parade. It's in a small town that only contains 14 houses, but thousand of people show up to this parade!
Decked out in our Texas attire!
We ate at a few of Jaime's favorite restaurants, enjoyed much cooler temperatures, and spent late nights playing Mario Kart-our favorite. We had an absolute blast! On our way home, we drove through the capital of Wisconsin-Madison. No, that's not why we named Maddie that, at all. But it's still neat!
Thanks to Aunt Traci and Uncle Monkey for helping make our trip so memorable. We can't wait to do it again!


The Gentry's said...

Awww, Mario Kart! Love it! Looks like y'all had a great trip:-)

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