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Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's Been A While...

Well, as most of you know, I had a miscarriage about a month ago. Jaime and I went in for our 10 week appointment. We were both so excited to see the baby's heartbeat and get some sonogram pictures; just like we did with Maddie! I was starting to finally feel better and was looking forward to moving into the second tri-mester. However, once the sonogram began, I immediately knew something was wrong. The baby was there but the heartbeat wasn't anymore. It only measured to be 8 weeks and I was almost 10.5 that day. We were devestated and it's been a hard month, but things are slowly starting to get better. We still have the desire to have more children and soon; but now that fear is there that never was before. I had my follow-up with my doctor yesterday and she said that thing look good. Please be praying for us as we contemplate when we want to try again for another baby. Also pray, that this time-we get to bring this baby home with us-happy and healthy!

In other news, Jaime is home for the summer and absolutely loving being with Madison every day. Im not sure what they do all day, but they seem to have a lot of fun! I'm jealous!

My job is busy and stressful as always. I'm set to go to certification in August. It's in Austin, which Im not looking forward to; but as long as I pass the test-I get to keep my job and get a raise!

We are saving up for a house. I am so excited that this is even a possibility! As much as I hate working right now, the extra income has really helped us be able to do a lot of things. My goal, is to within a year, have found a house. Though I wouldn't be opposed if it happened sooner than that! =)

I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry, it's been so long-it's just been crazy around the Crouse House.

1 comment:

Windy Smith said...

Glad to hear things are getting better. It is fun looking at houses so have fun with that. Look at lots and find just what you want.