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Monday, October 24, 2016

Student Council

In 3rd grade, kids can begin running for student council & I was excited when Maddie came home asking for our permission to run! Student council is never something I would have been brave enough to do as a child and I'm so happy that my Maddie-girl already shows such a different personality! 
We got supplies together and worked on her board and speech! In the end, Maddie didn't win but as always, she had such a positive attitude. She immediately started talking about running again next year! I'm just so proud to be her mom! 

Mawmaw Templin Turns 80

This year, my precious Mawmaw turned 80 years old, and all her 7 children planned a fabulous celebration! As many family members that could show up, did and it was a wonderful and special time for a special lady! 

Ladies Night Out

Ever so often, we have a ladies night out at church and I always try to make plans to attend. It's fun to get away with my friends and relax! This time, we had a teacher from Pottery Cafe come in to show us all how to paint a pumpkin. It was a blast!