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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2nd Grade

Last Thursday was Meet the Teacher, & we all were excited to find out that Maddie got Mrs. McGraw! We knew of her from Kindergarten; she was Mrs. M's partner teacher. We'd also been at several mutual friend's birthday parties together. ;) I know she's going to be a great teacher for Maddie!

Yesterday, August 24th, was the first day of 2nd grade & Maddie was more than ready! She popped right out of bed and when I picked her up at the end of the day, she told me it was the "best day ever"! Here is her first and second day pictures:

Monday, August 17, 2015

Avengers Party

Saturday evening, our family and a few friends, helped us celebrate Easton's birthday! It was a small, intimate party and we all had such a great time! We all love the Avengers, especially Easton, and he's really big into Ironman and Hulk right now. So it was an easy party theme! I made him a cake and we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs! Mel came along with two couple friends of ours!
It was a blast and our sweet little guy enjoyed his special day!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Easton turns THREE

Happy 3rd birthday, sweet boy! Our family is full of so much life and joy, thanks to you! Loving a little man is a unique privilege and I'm thankful for the opportunity! Easton James, you hold a special place in my heart as my one and only son. I love you, buddy! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Photo Shoot

Recently, we had Haylee's pictures taken for her first birthday. One of pastor's daughters has her own photography business and was kind enough to do a session for us! I was so pleased with how they turned out and I'm so glad we decided to get them done. Here are a few sample pictures from our shoot: