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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blue Dress

My mom made this sweet, little dress for Maddie after she was born and it's been handed down to Haylee now. She looked so pretty in it!

Great News

On Friday, we took HGC (what daddy likes to call you!) to her neurologist appointment with Dr. Baker. We had high hopes for some really great news and we weren't disappointed! Dr. Baker checked Haylee over and said she looked great. She also told us that we could discontinue her seizure meds and that we didn't need to have anymore follow-ups with her OR a doctor in Dallas! Praise God!! Our sweet girl is doing fabulous and thriving like any baby would! We give God all the glory and love that her life is such a testament to the power of prayer!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2 Month Well Check

Not only was today Easton's birthday but Haylee had her WC with Dr Smith. Things looked great and from what we can currently tell, she's completely healthy. She continues to be weaned off of her seizure meds and doesn't show any signs of seizures at this point! Praise God! She is beginning to grin and also starting to focus in our faces more when we talk to her! She loves to nurse about every 2-3 hours and likes to be cuddled. Still struggling with reflux but it slowly is getting better! And thanks to all that good breast milk, you weighed in at 11lbs and 9 oz today! Growing girl!

2nd Birthday

Happy 2nd birthday to our surprise baby and only boy, Easton James! Buddy, you have such a special place in my heart and we all love our sweet boy! 

Your pirate party is in a few weeks but that didn't stop us from celebrating you today! We went out to eat, stopped at Nothing Bundt cakes and then went on a family walk at Rose Rudman! It was a great day!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dedication and Baptism

Yesterday was such a wonderful day at church! We finally got the chance to do Haylee's baby dedication and Maddie's baptism. Such a special moment for us as parents. I'm so proud of our big girl for the decision she made. And we are grateful to The Lord for allowing Haylee to be here with us and doing so well. 

Papaw's Boat

Saturday morning, Papaw took us all for a ride on the boat! The girls went first...well, except Haylee and Nana. Maddie and Brooklyn were freaked out by the speed at first but we put sunglasses on them to protect their eyes from the wind and they ended up loving it! When we got back, we switched out with Jaime and Easton. Poor boy, he cried for his mama, but daddy insisted on exposing his boy to the lake and promised me that it was totally safe! All-in-all, it was a great morning!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Photo Shoot

I bought marching leopard print outfits for the girls (sorry buddy-boy!)! They wore them to church this morning. When we got home, I snapped some pictures of Haylee Grace! She's started grinning and I am desperately trying to catch it. No luck today, but she's still as cute as can be!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pinterest Picture

I love Pinterest! The other day, I found a cute picture that I wanted to try and copy with Haylee. Thankfully, my cousin was able to pull it off for me. I love it!