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Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Lots of stuff has been going on in Maddie's mouth lately! She had a cleaning (where we discovered cavities....but I don't even want to talk about that!!!!) and then lost her second top tooth! She talks funny and looks adorable!

The Chimney Sweep and KETK News

When we called to set up an appointment to have our chimney cleaned, I never would have guessed that it would have been news worthy! But, last week, not only did The Chimney Sweep company show up at my front door; but so did Nikki Diaz from KETK news! A cold front had come through and she wanted to do an interview on the safety of having your fireplace and chimney checked. My fireplace was the lucky winner...haha! She was super nice, letting the kids help her video. Our beautiful fireplace even made the 5:00 news!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Splash Run 2014

Yesterday, we went to a 5k at Chapel Hill. Jaime organized a splash run (equivalent to a color run) as a fundraiser for his soccer team. I brought the kids. My mom, cousin and good friend joined us too! It was a fun morning supporting our favorite coach!

Phone Pictures

I need to clear out a few pictures on my phone, so here are some ones that I've taken over the past 2 weeks!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

5 months

Happy 5 months, Haylee Grace! Hard to believe that your 1/2 birthday is quickly approaching! (Sigh) I'm enjoying every moment watching you grow but also praying that each of those moments passes slowly. It would really help my mama heart if this 1st year of your life drags by!
At 5 months, you have enjoyed adding veggies to your menu. On top of cereal, we've tried sweet potatoes and green beans and you've done great with both! You sleep well, mostly sleeping through the night, but occasionally waking up once. We enjoy watching your grins and giggles! You have shown to be quite the ticklish baby, too! You've still not rolled completely over but you are SO close!
We love you so much, baby girl!