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Monday, September 22, 2014

Dance With Brooklyn

Brooklyn Hope just finished her 3rd week of dance and she's loving it! There was never any doubt that she would, though! She looks forward to it each week and talks about it daily! She's in class with her friend, Eden, which I'm thrilled about. I enjoy getting some guaranteed time with my friend Amy, every Monday, as our girls enjoy themselves! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

My kids

I know they're mine, but these have GOT to be 4 of the most beautiful children around!

1st Grade

I can't believe I'm so behind on blogging!! Maddie has been in school now for a few weeks. Can't believe my oldest is a 1st grader!! Here she is on her first day:

Pirate Party

Easton had a small pirate party for his 2nd birthday! He was so cute when we sang to him and then pointed out his presents; as if he couldn't believe it was all for him! Loved celebrating my boy on his special day!