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Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm A Big Kid Now

I caught Easton staring at Jaime while he worked outside, mowing and cleaning up the yard. He kept squealing and laughing every time he saw him pass by! It was cute and I can already tell that this little boy is itching for the chance to go outside and follow his daddy around!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sister Shots

As soon as Brooklyn was born, I started taking loads of "sister shots"! I snapped a picture of them together any chance I could get and have ended up with quite a few over the past two years!


I love looking through old pictures, especially of my little ones! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of each one of my babies!

Madison Elizabeth

Brooklyn Hope

Easton James

This doesn't even scratch the surface of all the pictures I have or love. The hardest to narrow down in just a few pictures, was for Maddie, since I have 5 years worth of memories with her! But I love looking back and Im so glad that I've taken all the pictures that I have. These babies are my heart's joy and Im pretty stoked about being there mommy!