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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sleeping Beauty



Sleeping Beauty

Miss Brooklyn could not seem to stay awake during lunch time! We've all been struggling with sickness this past week and it really shows. Twice, in two days, she drifted off to sleep at the table. It was the most precious thing!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Polar Express

For several years now, we've always watched The Polar Express as our month long tradition of fun Christmas movies! This year, we decided to head over to Palestine and hop aboard a real train to experience it first hand. My parents and grandmother came with us and we all had a blast!

Watching the movie the night before
A few pictures before boarding the train

Arent these girls the sweetest?!

All aboard!!

After hot chocolate and a cookie, we listened to the story on our way to the North Pole

Once we arrived, none other than Santa himself, boarded the train and handed out the first gift of Christmas-a jingle bell

We then left the North Pole and sang Christmas carols the whole way back to the station

We had a great time on The Polar Express and I would recommend it to anyone with little kids!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy 1st Thanksgiving, my precious boy!

Family Pictures

My sweet cousin took pictures of us the other day. She doesn't charge me a dime (I only pay for pictures and Christmas cards) and I think she does a pretty good job! Thanks Windy, we love you! Here are a few of my favorites from our session: