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Monday, October 17, 2011

Finally.....Medieval Times!

For Christmas last year, Jaime's parents gave us a gift voucher for Medieval Times in Dallas. But after the first of the year, we started into the roller coaster ride of our pregnancy with Brooklyn and never got a chance to use it. Now, however; we have a perfect little 6 month old and decided to seize our opportunity! Since a nursing baby never goes far from it's mother, we packed Brooklyn and big sister into the car and headed to Dallas yesterday afternoon. Jaime had been once before (in Chicago) but I really wasn't sure what to expect and prayed that both the girls would make it through with as few tears as possible. We got there early and I was able to nurse Brooklyn in the car before the castle doors even opened. From the moment you walk in, everyone is in character and it's really cool! Jaime was called lord, I was called lady, and both the girls were called princess...of course! We checked out a bunch of different things before the dinner and tournament actually began. Finally, we were escorted to our seats where our wench (i know, awful right! also the equivalent of your waitress) introduced herself. We were in the blue section and would later cheer for the blue knight...naturally. The show is almost two hours long and includes a ton of food that you eat while watching. And yes, you eat with none other than your hands! :) It was fun! When the show started, it was very dark and scary. Someone came down through the audience and jumped into the arena, cracking a whip at the prince, who had been kidnapped on his way to another country to sign a peace treaty. Maddie completely lost it! She was screaming and crying. We finally talked her down, made her understand that it was all pretend and nothing was going to hurt her. After a few minutes, the mood changed and she LOVED every second of it. She was hollering and cheering. And of course, she adored all the many horses that the knights were riding. It really was a very family friendly atmosphere and I would recommend it to anyone! Our menu consisted of tomato bisque (dragons blood), a large chicken, a spare rib, a cooked potato, bread, pastry, and cake. Here are a few pictures of our amazing experience:

Maddie's 2 favorite things: the color blue and horses

Ready for the show to begin!

All the knights. Ours was the blue one. Admit it, he's cute! :)

He kissed a flower and threw it to my Maddie girl! She was so excited. She blew him a kiss in return...HAHA!

Fighting and jousting. It was cool!

I loved this experience!! It's EXTREMELY pricey but a ton of fun and I would really enjoy going back someday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Thanks to the Rose Parade, Jaime didn't have a soccer game today, so we loaded up and headed out to Bullard so that we could go to the Pumpkin Patch. It was a first for us and we had a blast, especially Maddie girl! She loved every bit of it! We took pictures, pet the animals, played with some corn, and took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch where we picked out 3 of the best looking pumpkins you'll ever see! We will definetely make this a yearly Fall tradition!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Half a Year

I can hardly believe that my sweet girl is 6 months old today! Happy half-birthday Brooklyn! You are growing and changing so quickly and it's such a priviledge to be your mom!

At 6 months you:

-weigh 16 pounds 6 ounces (60th percentile) and are 25 inches long (25th percentile)
-depending on the outfit, you wear either 3/6, 6, or some 6/9 month clothing
-roll both ways and will mostly sleep on your tummy now
-speaking of sleep, you get tired earlier these days. You will often go to bed at around 8:30 and won't wake up till 6 or 7. You take a nap from about 9-11 or 11:30am and again around 1:00 or 1:30. Sometimes you will take a quick 30 minute nap in the early evening.
-you are still a great nurser and I can manage to make you wait 3 hours between feedings these days (usually), especially if we are out or you are occupied. You eat cereal/fruit in the morning and a veggie at night. We will now start a lunch as well.
-you love spending time in your exersaucer and are still pretty enthralled with anything your sister is doing.
-you smile a lot and laugh out loud too. You are very ticklish and have the cutest giggle when someone gets just the right spot!
-we will be dropping your bed down to the next level this month along with taking off the bumper pad. We will also continue to practice sitting up.
-you got your normal vaccines today along with a flu shot. Here's to hopefully having a healthy winter!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Crazy Girls

My oldest daughter has become very good at shaking her hips. It's so funny I can't help but laugh every time I see her do it! Usually she runs to me and says that she is "hupa-looping" (hula-hooping) and goes to town! Recently, anytime music is played, I noticed that Brooklyn was starting to rock from side to side. Oh my, am I in trouble! Here is what I caught the two of them doing today: