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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby Dedication

Today was Brooklyn's baby dedication and it was perfect! We decided last night (ha!) that we needed to squeeze it in today while my brother Josh is home from the Navy. Next week, he leaves for Connecticut where he will spend the next 2 years. Luckily, we have a very flexible pastor! Thanks Bro. Mike!

Brooklyn was so well behaved, cooing and smiling the whole time! EVERYONE said how perfect and beautiful she was. And of course...they're right! :)

Brooklyn bear, you hold my heart! Your pregnancy was painful and hard, but you were worth ever moment of it. I feel so blessed and happy to say that you are a mama's girl!! My prayer is that your daddy and I can raise you to be a Godly young lady. We love you baby girl!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Zoo 2011

I had promised Maddie, that once the weather was a little cooler, we would go to the Zoo. It is one of her favorite places to go and she was so excited! She loves, and I do mean LOVES, animals! It was a nice day with only a few visitors out and about! Here are some pictures from our trip:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday Football

My two favorite girls with our favorite coach!
Though Chapel Hill (my alma mater) beat Hallsville Friday night, this picture is completely priceless and was worth it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beyond Blessed

It's no secret that I adore my two girls! I never pass up an opportunity to talk about them or post another cute picture. Of course Im slightly biased, but I think they are two of the sweetest and most beautiful little girls. Daddy and I are so blessed!

Maddie all packed and heading to Nana and Papaw's house for the night

Dinner time for the nugget

She wanted "Rapunzel" hair

Birthday cake for daddy

They have my heart!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

5 Months

Sept 11th, 2001 was an earth shattering day. Many lives were lost and individuals, along with our country, will never be the same. Today, marks the 10 year anniversary, and I have never been more grateful or more prayerful for this country.

On a lighter note, today also marks 5 months of life for my sweet Brooklyn! My life has changed in many ways over the past 10 years. One of the best moments was becoming a mom again for the second time!

You are a doll! Everyone comments on how perfect your features are and how beautiful you look! You are a complete joy! Today, you have a pretty bad cough because of the weather change, but otherwise you are a happy and healthy 5 month old. Here are all your recent stats:

-wearing size 2 diapers
-wearing size 3-6 month clothing
-still nurse about every 3 hours.
-eat cereal in the morning and a vegetable at dinner. Apparently, this has made you plump up too! At your 4 month well check you weighed 13.8. On Friday I took you to the doctor because of your cough and you weigh 15.3. My growing girl! You still feel so small to me though and still look to be pretty short! You are pretty on target as far as clothes go too.
-sleeps from about 9-7 and takes two or three naps during the day.
-rolling both ways
-starting to mimic sounds that we make
-"talking" and laughing all the time
-adore your big sister
-starting to roll over while sleeping and finishing your nap on your tummy
-refuses to take a paci and would prefer not to have a bottle. You would much rather eat your baby food or nurse from mama!
-drooling a ton.....maybe teething....?

I can hardly believe 5 months have past! You are my precious angel and I love you more and more everyday!

Here you are napping! When you wake, I'll get your actual 5 month picture.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day 2011

We all woke up this morning to some much cooler temperatures (thank you Lord) and decided to make the most of such a pretty day. Of course Jaime had the day off, so we loaded up the girls and headed into town. Jaime had some birthday money he had been dying to spend so we drove over to Lowes where he bought himself a new weed eater. Then we went to Walmart and did some much needed grocery shopping. When we got home, I quickly fed Brooklyn while Jaime packed up a picnic lunch for us all (sandwiches, cheese, grapes, carrots/ranch...YUM!). Then we loaded up the car again and drove to the park in town. We are only about 2 minutes away so it is very nice and convenient. We had a great time enjoying our picnic lunch, watching Maddie play, and sitting outside in the nice breeze!

After lunch, we headed back home. I put the girls down for a nap and started cleaning up while Jaime went outside. He mowed all our weeds (because of course our grass is beyond dead), used his new weed eater, and replaced a panel on our backyard fence that fell down because of recent winds.
It was so nice that I shut of my AC unit and opened up windows. I just love when I can do that!!
This evening Jaime had soccer practice after dinner, but my parents, who got back from Branson today, came over for a little bit to give the girls some presents. Brooklyn got some cute clothes and a stuffed horse, while Maddie got some horse things as well (she loves horses!!) and a new guitar. She has her Barbie guitar that she got last year for Christmas, but this guitar is the real deal...just a little smaller. A perfect size for a 3 year old!! She loves it and has played it all evening. Here is a little video of her performance:

Today has been so wonderful and I am one blessed wife and mother! My family is so very precious to me! Hope your Labor Day was just as special as mine!