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Monday, August 2, 2010

Man-U Vs. MLS All-Stars

Jaime's favorite English Premier soccer team is, of course, Manchester United. For those of you that attended our wedding reception, you may even remember that his groom cake was fitting for the fan he is! His dream would be to travel to England and see Man-U play in their home stadium. However, that dream probably won't happen anytime soon. So we settled for the next best thing! Man-U came to America! They've been touring for roughly a month and recently played the MLS All-Stars at Reliant Stadium in Houston. Of course, we had tickets and Jaime was thriled to get the opportunity to see his favorite team. I, myself, am not the huge soccer fan that my husband is; however, even I realized that this event was a pretty big deal. I was sick with a stomah virus and sinus infection when we went, but I refused to lose money on the tickets and I really wanted to spend the evening with Jaime. So I put on a happy face and went along, despite feeling horrible. Im glad I did. We dropped Maddie off at Nana's house and hit the road. Man-U ended up winning, 5-2! We topped the evening off with a late dinner and then got a hotel for the night, before driving back home the following morning. Here are a few pictures of the evening: