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Monday, April 20, 2009


So as you've probably guessed, I am thrilled to be pregnant again! And as crazy as it sounds, we were actually trying for a Christmas baby. For now, the due date is estimated to be Christmas Day. Guess I got my wish, huh!
I don't go to the doctor until the end of May. My doctor won't see you until you are 10 weeks along. I hate the anticipation and waiting! I suppose though, that if anything unfortunate was going to happen, it would happen within these first few weeks-which is probably why she chooses to not see her patients until she does. I, however, will continue to pray that things are developing normally and that these next few weeks will fly by. I can't wait to see that little heartbeat on the screen!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Little News

Maddie's gonna be a big sister! :)