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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Fair

Jaime and I went to the East Texas State Fair this year. It had been such a long time since I had been. As a matter of fact, Jaime and I had never been together. So we decided to meet up with our good friends, Nathan and Tiffany, and take Madison out for the day. It was a little more hot than I would have liked, but it wasn't crowded at all and we had a really great time! Here are a few pictures from the day:

The carousel was the only ride she was big enough to get on. She loved it...until it actually started moving! Poor Daddy, spent the next few minutes trying to get her to calm down and actually keep her on the horse!

We spent some time inside Harvey Hall at all the exhibits and soaking up the AC. Madison was still happy that daddy won her a Nemo fish while playing games!

This is my daughter's new way of taking a picture. She throws her self to one side and yells "cheese!" I think she feels like she is posing, but then the picture comes out looking like this! She's silly...

Hot and tired. Time to head home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hello, again!

Ever since I got my I-phone, and considering that my internet is STILL dial-up, I've been really bad about posting. Let's see what I can catch my few readers up on:

I went to certification in Austin back in mid-August. It was a long, boring week but it's now behind me. I haven't received my scores yet but don't anticipate anything too bad! I also had my first evaluation by my director. I walked away still employed which is a good thing! To top things off, I got my first raise...and a pretty significant one. Very exciting!
Jaime and I have found a house we really love and are in the early stages of pursuing it. We don't know that this particular house will be the one we are meant to have yet; but we are certainly hoping so and praying a lot about it!
On the 13th, Madison Elizabeth will be 18 months old! That is shocking to me. I still remember this:

What a chunk and only crawling at that point. Wow, time sure has flown by! She runs around the house like crazy, kicks a soccer ball, and says the following words: daddy, mama, nana, papaw, alan, kitty, puppy, bye, hi, yay, where, why, no, eat, juice and the list goes on. She is even starting to form small sentences by combining a word or two. There is never a dull or quiet moment in our house anymore! She's amazing!
I suppose that's all for now. I'll try to post some current pictures of the girl, soon!