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Monday, February 23, 2009

Walk, Maddie, Walk

She finally did it!
Maddie let go and took some steps on her own this past week! She is still wobbly and doesn't do it much, but she can take up to 7 or 8 steps on her own. YAY! It is the cutest thing to watch. She doesn't like us to force her into doing it by any means. My strong-willed child only does something when she makes up her own mind to do it. But once she sees something she has to have, she's off and there's no stopping her! This has increased the bumps and bruises she receives (of course) but I'm sure that's only to be expected! This is just one more thing that proves that my baby is slowly turning into a little girl. And in just a few short weeks...Maddie will be 1! Wow.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Grandpa Jim Comes To Texas

This past weekend, Jaime's dad was able to fly in from Washington to visit us for a few days. This was only Jim's second time to see his grand-daughter, so it was a very special visit. They had a blast together!