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Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day 2011

We all woke up this morning to some much cooler temperatures (thank you Lord) and decided to make the most of such a pretty day. Of course Jaime had the day off, so we loaded up the girls and headed into town. Jaime had some birthday money he had been dying to spend so we drove over to Lowes where he bought himself a new weed eater. Then we went to Walmart and did some much needed grocery shopping. When we got home, I quickly fed Brooklyn while Jaime packed up a picnic lunch for us all (sandwiches, cheese, grapes, carrots/ranch...YUM!). Then we loaded up the car again and drove to the park in town. We are only about 2 minutes away so it is very nice and convenient. We had a great time enjoying our picnic lunch, watching Maddie play, and sitting outside in the nice breeze!

After lunch, we headed back home. I put the girls down for a nap and started cleaning up while Jaime went outside. He mowed all our weeds (because of course our grass is beyond dead), used his new weed eater, and replaced a panel on our backyard fence that fell down because of recent winds.
It was so nice that I shut of my AC unit and opened up windows. I just love when I can do that!!
This evening Jaime had soccer practice after dinner, but my parents, who got back from Branson today, came over for a little bit to give the girls some presents. Brooklyn got some cute clothes and a stuffed horse, while Maddie got some horse things as well (she loves horses!!) and a new guitar. She has her Barbie guitar that she got last year for Christmas, but this guitar is the real deal...just a little smaller. A perfect size for a 3 year old!! She loves it and has played it all evening. Here is a little video of her performance:

Today has been so wonderful and I am one blessed wife and mother! My family is so very precious to me! Hope your Labor Day was just as special as mine!

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