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Friday, May 30, 2014


Today was Maddie's kindergarten "graduation"/award ceremony. I was so grateful that I was able to go and support my girl! Each child received a kindergarten certificate and an award. Maddie got the Amazing Artist Award, something Mrs. M. had praised Maddie on way back at the beginning of the year! And if you know Maddie, she loves to color and draw and is really very good at it! After awards, the parents watched a sweet slide show. There wasn't a dry eye in the house! So proud of my big girl and so blessed to have had such a great first year!

36 weeks

A few things about the 36 week mark:

-gained roughly 29 pounds
-wearing S/M maternity clothes
-dilated to a 1 and 59% effaced (very different from my other pregnancies. I'm usually further along!)
-head is LOW
-experiencing mostly pelvic and hip pain along with some back discomfort
-anxious and ready for a baby!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sermon on the Mound

CBC has an annual fellowship event called Sermon on the Mound. Last night was our first time to go and we had a blast! Maddie played kickball, we ate, listened to Pastor Beckham share a short message and then watched the guys play a softball game at our field on the church property. So much fun! Still loving where The Lord has us!

33 weeks

I'm 33 weeks along with Miss Haylee and feeling every bit of this last stage. I'm trying not to complain much but the truth is-I'm uncomfortable most of the time. However, I still love being pregnant! Last week, I had a sonogram to check on baby's growth. I still show to have a "generous" amount of fluid which can skew things a bit; but Haylee still shows to be big. She's pushing 6lbs and measuring in the 98th%. My belly also measures 2-3 weeks ahead! Obviously, nothing elective would be done until at least 36 weeks, but Dr Harris is definitely watching her growth and I trust her judgement if and when she was to make a decision about a possible induction. Please be in prayer for me and the baby over these next few weeks!

Zoo Field Trip

This past Friday, Maddie went to the zoo for a kindergarten field trip. Unfortunately, I couldn't tag along this time. With me being so pregnant right now, there was no way I could do all the walking that the zoo requires. I was so grateful that one of my friends went with her daughter and sent me pictures throughout the day!